Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wellness Essentials Pregnancy

Great Supplement for When You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy brings along a need for a whole other level of nutritional support.  The body now needs the nutrients for two living beings, and certain nutrients become more important.  Metagenics has introduced Wellness Essentials Pregnancy, which is among the finest multivitamins for pregnant women.  This well formulated product provides support to the systems and aspects that woman and
child most depend on during pregnancy.

Fetal growth and development is the most important factor during pregnancy, and to help with this Wellness Essentials Pregnancy contains choline and omega 3 fatty acids, among many other nutrients.  These nutrients can help to promote the growth the brain and eyes.  Omega 3s can also be beneficial for the heart, and they may also promote cognitive function and emotional health in future years.  Bone health is also very important to fetal growth, and supplying the body with bone supporting nutrients can help to support strength and structure in a growing body.  Consuming plenty of calcium and other minerals can help to keep the bones healthy, and pairing calcium with vitamin D can help to support its absorption.

Wellness Essentials Pregnancy also provides the body with plenty of B vitamins.  B vitamins are important during all stages of life, but they are especially important through out pregnancy.  They help with the growth of vital organs during fetal development, and consuming B vitamins prior to pregnancy can help to improve the chances of conception and limit the risk of miscarriage.  The Centers for Disease Control recommend consuming folic acid, because it can help to reduce the risk of birth defects within the spine and brain by as much as 70 percent.  Wellness Essentials contains 1000 mcg of folate, as well as 120 mcg of vitamin B12, which may reduce the risk of defects that could affect the heart.  B vitamins are also sometimes used to fight nausea and morning sickness. 

If you're pregnant you need to make sure that you are getting the proper nutrition, and one easy way to do this is with Wellness Essentials Pregnancy by Metagenics.  This pregnancy supplement provides natural vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help to support mother and child during pregnancy.

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